
Showing posts from August 4, 2020

The Art and Science Subject !

Traditionally art and science treated as the two separate descipline but when they are studies together it's clear that impact one has on the other.The art's is art with beautifull picture maked on the canvas.The fine art study for students are secure enterance exam according to primary as be today knwledge base will be able work With interchange. The art is dream so on the canvas with help to color and paint. That's is generate to income any where and by advertising worked to do it. The solves to improve efficiency of experience with complete learning. Now science is theory with pratical as sure to uses real way.For example Redium's invension madaum quirry and peiry quirry she was saw an bright element as it estimate the self-esteem light to with today's time sining.Other example if the rainy water called is nature but if by machine the work formet than the called science because don't interfair the naturaly.Today technolgy is devloped strong technical as wish ...

Electronic tranfer service !

(Electronic service in digital trasfer) A digital movements of money one'back account to another.The electronic transfer service transjection limits charges and other details.(NEFS) national electronic funds service (RTGS) real time gross settelment (IMPS) immediate payment service. The mobile aplication internet banking online or offline money transfer is can be banking process.the limit is (NEFS) 1 Rs to 25 lakh (RTGS) minimum 2lakh and (IMPS) from 1 lakh to can be transfer. Charge is 1 Rs to 10 thousent for 1 Rs plus gst.the other detail is benyfishary detail as bank name account no. and code to be fillup befor registration. sbi and icci bank with other Are almost ready to transjection done.the share stock market with demat account and website used to can be information is used from email and sms with mobile phone connect.the online service provied goverment or company othorized private limited.